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Former Prime Minister of Armenia believes that Armenia should withdraw from CSTO

Armenia – Aug 31 2022
Alexandr Avanesov

ArmInfo.Former Prime Minister of Armenia, leader of the "Republic" party Aram Sargsyan  suggests the authorities of the country to consider the issue of  withdrawing from the CSTO. He wrote about this on his Facebook page. 

According to him, the United States is appointing the former Deputy  Secretary of State as the new American co-chair of the OSCE Minsk  Group. The United States and France, which are co-chairs of the OSCE  Minsk Group, have a telephone conversation before the meeting between  Pashinyan and Aliyev in Brussels and confirm their readiness for a  peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem. The US and  French ambassadors reject the invitation of the Azerbaijani Foreign  Ministry to visit Shushi. The United States defends the approach to  resolving the issue of the status of Artsakh and emphasizes the right  to express the point of view of the Artsakh people.

Russia and Azerbaijan consider the status issue settled, and they  make this clear in press conferences following the tripartite  meetings in Moscow and in an interview with Russian President  Vladimir Putin about the future of Nagorno-Karabakh within  Azerbaijan. The Russian Ambassador to Baku gladly accepts the  invitation and visits Shushi. <These are facts, not a subject for  discussion, but these facts make it possible to conclude that the  meeting in Brussels will be about status and a final settlement,  which Aliyev will try to oppose. Unlike the meeting in Brussels, they  will try to organize a meeting in Moscow, where they will try to put  pressure on Armenia>, the politician noted.

He considers the decision to go beyond the framework of the  Russian-Turkish agreements with possible options. <We should withdraw  from the CSTO in order to increase the political, military and  economic influence of the West, because the Russian Federation still  does not sell weapons to us, the CSTO does not fulfill its  obligations to ensure the security of Armenia, and being in the CSTO  prevents the country from receiving more serious military assistance.  Studying the indicators of US and French military support to friendly  countries, one can be convinced that in the event of a withdrawal  from the CSTO, Western military assistance to Armenia could be in the  range of 350-400 million dollars a year, add the cost of training in  the tactics and strategy of modern warfare: I am sure that such  armaments, acquired for one year's money, are enough for Baku and  Moscow to change their tone, restraining their appetites. I know that  my proposal is risky, but if you leave everything as it is, it will  end with the loss of Artsakh, the redrawing of the borders of the  Republic of Armenia with Russian maps to the detriment of us and the  loss of the sovereignty of the Republic of Armenia, >,Aram Sargsyan  believes. 

Hovsep Chakrian: