Lawyer touches on statement about arrest of former Artsakh army chief

Armenia – Aug 31 2022

Lawyer Arsen Babayan, a senior member of the opposition Homeland Party, has touched on the statement of the Investigative Committee regarding the arrest of a former Artsakh army commander.

Lieutenant-General Mikayel Arzumanyan was arrested on Tuesday on charges of negligence and dereliction of his official duties during the 2020 war. The Investigative Committee essentially blamed him for the fall of Shushi during the 44-day war.

"They don't even notice how, by releasing official statements on every "exposure" they reveal the crimes they themselves have committed,” Babayan wrote on Facebook.

He cited the statement as saying that Shushi had already been captured by Azerbaijani forces before November 7.

“And now let's recall the date the famous phone conversation featuring the Artsakh president was released and what he said, or rather what he asked Nikol Pashinyan for and was denied,” Babayan stressed.

“Let us compare with this with Nikol Pashinyan’s statement posted on Facebook on 8 November: "The fight for Shushi is ongoing". In fact, everything is pretty clear and disclosed.

“After the ouster of the current government, under new and objective conditions, all the episodes and the circle of those responsible for them will be established through not particularly large-scale investigative measures,” the lawyer noted.