Russian peacekeepers` presence along Lachin corridor purely symbolic – Russian expert

Armenia – Aug 31 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.The Russian peacekeepers' presence along the Lachin corridor was purely symbolic before as well. And now that the corridor has been surrendered, this  symbolism is excessive, Alexey Malashenko, Senior Researcher at the  Institute of World Economy and International Relations, said in an  interview with ArmInfo.

The Shushi-Berdzor-Goris road section of the interstate highway  connecting Artsakh with Armenia will function until August 31, the  Artsakh Ministry of Interior said in a  statement. After August 31, a  new corridor via Berdadzor, Shushi district, will be put into  operation. The Russian peacekeepers will be redeployed. 

In fact, however, after the surrender of the Lachin corridor,  Azerbaijan will no longer feel the need for Russian peacekeepers,  which is most important for Ilham Aliyev to show during his meeting  with Armenia's Premier Nikol Pashinyan in Brussels. 

The Armenian premier, Azerbaijani president and President of the  European Council Charles Michel are holding a meeting in Brussels, on  August 31, to discuss the formation of a group for an Armenian-  Azerbaijani peace agreement. 

The Russian peacekeepers' presence is no longer of fundamental  importance for ensuring safe land communication between Armenia and  Nagorno-Karabakh. And after gaining victory in the 44-day war, Baku  will hardly put obstacle to the movement along the new highway  constructed by Azerbaijan itself. 

"I think ensuring safe movement is now more a problem for Armenia  though the peacekeepers will be present there as it is important for  Moscow and, perhaps, for Yerevan. As to Baku, regaining control of  Lachin is one more step toward a final solution to the Karabakh  problem," Mr Malashenko said.