Major educational reforms to give every child access to high-quality education even in remote settlements in Armenia



 11:31, 1 September 2022

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS. Tens of thousands of children are deprived of the opportunity of receiving quality education in proper kindergartens, pre-schools and schools today, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at the Cabinet meeting.

“Educational facilities aren’t always accessible to learners and not always do they provide proper professional qualification. This results on one hand in unemployment, on the other hand there are more and more statements on the absence of qualified workforce in the country,” Pashinyan said.

According to the PM, no proper standards of universities are functioning in Armenia and having a university diploma doesn’t always mean having higher education.

“As a result of this we often hear baffled complaints that people with higher education, sometimes with two diplomas, are unable to find jobs and are living in poverty,” Pashinyan said.

He added that this situation is intolerable because this situation exists at the expense of the future and is a “landmine placed under Armenia’s future.”

“Thus, we’ve embarked on major educational reforms. Our program, stipulated in the Civil Contract Party’s campaigning program, on building, reconstructing or renovating 300 schools and 500 kindergartens by 2026 has launched. As a result of implementing this program, children will have the chance to attend high-quality kindergartens, pre-schools and schools even in remote settlements, which must become the key factor of the revival of villages,” Pashinyan said.