Categories: 2022

NKR proclamation was the most ambitious geopolitical step that took place 31 years ago – Artsakh FM




 18:40, 2 September 2022

STEPANAKERT, SEPTEMBER 2, ARMENPRESS. The Day of the Republic of Artsakh is one of the greatest holidays of the Armenian people because the proclamation of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic has opened a new page in the history of the Armenian statehood and was the most ambitious geopolitical step that took place 31 years ago, Foreign Minister of Artsakh Davit Babayan said in an interview to ARMENPRESS, after paying a tribute in the Stepanakert Memorial and the Military Pantheon on September 2. 

“Now, we should revalue this day much more because now is a crucial moment for Artsakh. Now Artsakh is facing existential challenges. We should do everything for Artsakh to be saved because the future of Armenian statehood and Armenian people depends on the salvation of Artsakh. Yes, the situation is complex, but in addition to serious challenges there are also opportunities. The current geopolitical developments show that there are power centers that are interested in the existence of Artsakh. Nevertheless, the existence of Artsakh depends mostly on us, we must take respective steps. 

We should jointly do everything so that the course and history of Artsakh continue”, he stated, expressing confidence that after the third heavy Artsakh war, the meaning of the September 2 holiday has become more important.

“The Republic of Artsakh is the son of all Armenians. Therefore, we should take joint steps to overcome the current situation and resist the existing challenges. Artsakh, Armenia and the Diaspora must work jointly, we must be able to save what we have”, the Artsakh FM said.

Vicken Chmshkian: