Categories: 2022

President: Artsakh should always stand firm and be Armenian

Armenia – Sept 2 2022

Artsakh’s President Arayik Harutyunyan issued a message on the Republic of Artsakh Day marked on September 2. His full message is below.

"Dear compatriots,

2 September 1991 took its place in the Armenian history as a momentous and decisive day. The joint session of the Councils of People's Deputies of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous District and Shahumyan Region adopted the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Artsakh, announcing to the world the formation of the second Armenian republic. The moment was historic, the decision of the people to live freely and independently was unviolable, the will – unshakeable, the spirit – invincible.

However, our way to building a democratic state complying with the norms and standards of the international law was full of indescribable hardships and trials.

The 44-day hostilities of 2020 became a new disaster for the Armenian people, taking the lives of thousands of our brave sons away and mutilating numerous destinies. We are grateful to all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the independence of the Motherland and the dignified existence of the Armenian people. We bow our heads to their bright memory and proud relatives.

Today the communication with Mother Armenia is conducted via a new route of the Lachin Corridor, the security of which is ensured by the peacekeeping forces of the Russian Federation together with the relevant structures of our Republic.

We are deeply grateful to all our compatriots living in Armenia and the Diaspora for constant support, we are grateful to the Russian Federation for the mission undertaken in Artsakh, we are also grateful to all those states, politicians and public figures who have been by our side all these years, remaining faithful to the universal values of justice, humanity, and democracy.

Even 31 years later, the people of Artsakh firmly and decisively declare that, despite all the tests of time, they are faithful to their decision, they are faithful to their chosen path, which is irreversible and consistent. Artsakh should always stand firm, be Armenian, and continue its path towards independence."

Varazdat Torgomian: