Ruben Vardanyan: You can fight endlessly in different ways

Sept 2 2022

Here are the remarkable extracts from Ruben Vardanyan’s news conference in Stepanakert:


The connection with Artsakh


We will do our best to bring people living in Armenia to see Artsakh, both children and parents, for them to see for which land people gave their lives. In the same way, we will do everything to show people of Artsakh that they are not alone here.


The enemy is doing its work step by step. We must understand, analyze and fight. We must protect it in every possible way and ensure that the road continues to function, that Armenia’s connection with Artsakh is strengthened and not lost.


It is not that the worst situation is ours, we should look at the best experience of other countries and try to do so in Artsakh and Armenia.


Lasting peace


There is no country or institution in the world that can ensure security or peace by saying “that’s it, everything will be fine.” Unfortunately, we have entered an era, like the ear of 1914-1945, when the world is changing. During such periods very often large wars and casualties take place. Now people are seriously concerned with some of them thinking that the chances of a new world war are very high.


About Artsakh’s independence


The legitimization of the independence of Artsakh, which must be accepted by various world organizations, is a long way, and it must be done very professionally, step by step, it requires huge work and time.


It’s not like you lost on the battlefield and that’s it – you can fight endlessly in different ways. If in case of war we all know who will be where and what will do, it means we are prepared, we know that it is not the soldiers and officers who will protect us, but we all. In this case there will be no war.


About staying in Artsakh


I am a person of the world and I have projects in different countries, but in this situation I will spend most of my time in Artsakh. It will be clearer from November, because I have pre-planned programs and arrangements until the end of October. I will do everything for people to come to Artsakh, to come to Goris, to see what a wonderful country Artsakh is, how important Syunik is for everyone.


Society | 2022-09-01 16:03:23

I will try to spend a lot of time in Artsakh and Armenia. But I am one of those rare people who can arouse greater interest by telling about Artsakh and Armenia. That is why our programs in the field of information, education, healthcare, technology, culture, and tourism between Armenia and Artsakh are important.


Faith and belief are the key problems


Either we believe that these people are patriots or we are wrong. We have false patriots in Armenia and Artsakh. We don’t know “Our Lord”, we don’t go to church, but we say that we are the first Christian nation, we value the family, but the family is falling apart, we say that Armenian is the most important language, but we don’t know Armenian, we value the state, but the weaker it is, the better for us. We must break all this.


The most important thing for me is people’s belief in the future of Artsakh. The important thing is the person, the education. The IT sector in Armenia and Artsakh is changing a lot today.


I work calmly


I am not under sanctions, I work calmly, I travel around the world.


If I wanted to get rid of “sanctions”, I would move to another country, not Artsakh. If I had the opportunity to renounce Armenian citizenship and live only with an Artsakh passport, I would do so. I have an Artsakh passport since 2016 and I can look in the eyes of the people of Artsakh very calmly.