Saghatelyan: 54 votes are needed to remove PM from National Assembly, process will last 48-72 hours
Armenia – Sept 2 2022

There are two ways to get rid of these powers which are resignation and removal through parliament. We can succeed that way only through widespread popular pressure, said Ishkhan Saghatelyan, coordinator of the Resistance Movement, an MP from the "Armenia" bloc, at the September 2 rally of the Resistance Movement in France Square in Yerevan (photo report).

According to him, in order for the Prime Minister's resignation to be put into circulation in the National Assembly, 1/3 of the deputies need to vote – 36 signatures. The two de facto opposition factions have 35 mandates. In order to actually dissolve the parliament, 50+1% of the votes are needed, i.e. 54 deputy votes.

The oppositionist also stressed that two conditions stipulated by the Constitution – political-legal grounds and the candidacy of the Prime Minister – are necessary for the removal. "The political-legal grounds are obvious," Sagatelyan said, adding that the process of removing the head of government must begin as quickly as possible, but at a precise time so that everything is effective.

"When we secure 36 signatures, the process will take 48 to 72 hours. We need tens of thousands of citizens in those 72 hours, around the clock. Just 72 hours," the lawmaker said and added that they would not start the process just to get it started because if they fail to succeed, they won't be able to use the toolkit until six months later.

"From tomorrow morning we start the initiative with all Armenian political forces, analysts, experts, intellectuals, we start consultations with all capable people on 2 main directions – the development program "Armenia after Nikol" and even more expansion of the movement," the oppositionist concluded.