Newspaper: Those guilty in 44-day Artsakh war are remembered 2 years later
Armenia – Sept 3 2022

YEREVAN. – Zhoghovurd newspaper of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: According to Zhoghovurd daily’s information, the law enforcement system is facing a problem with the criminal cases launched regarding the actions of the 44-day [Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)] war.

The thing is that not all materials of the war are accessible to the investigative bodies investigating the cases of the 44-day war in [the fall of] 2020, as they are considered state, military secret.

Moreover, according to the news that reached us, one of the investigative bodies has submitted a petition to the RA government, asking to provide some materials related to the war. And we have not been able to find out the details so far as to what they answered to the petition; we only know that the answer was not very satisfactory.

Let's note that, parallel to this situation, the Investigative Committee is quite actively bringing charges one after another to Artsakh former DA [(Defense Army)] commander Mikayel Arzumanyan for not properly organizing the self-defense of [Artsakh’s] Shushi [city during the aforesaid war], and, by the court decision, is taking him toward custody.

And yesterday, the head of the Military Control Service of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, the former commander of the Artsakh DA, Jalal Harutyunyan, was charged.

What is the reason for the activeness is still incomprehensible; they have remembered those guilty of the [44-day] war two years later.