Opposition MP: Impossible to prevent fall of Armenia and Artsakh without regime change

Armenia – Sept 3 2022

Armenian MP Tigran Abrahamyan of the opposition Pativ Unem faction reiterated the need for regime change to prevent the fall of Armenia and Artsakh.

"One of the main problems of Artsakh in the post-war period is that despite the current difficult situation the government agencies have no action plan to deal with a particular scenario,” he wrote on Facebook on Saturday.

“To say nothing of the fact that there is no shortage of figures holding key government positions who are unable to handle a crisis. Given Azerbaijan's dangerous policies, systemic problems and the crisis of viability further aggravates the situation.

“Much depends on how quickly the incumbent Armenian authorities will be removed, because it is impossible to prevent the fall of Artsakh and Armenia without it.

“Our biggest problems are inside the country, ranging from ideological breakdown to the rule of a government which doesn't serve Armenia's interests. Other issues, even Azerbaijan’s threats, are not as dangerous as the political landscape in Armenia,” he stated.