Categories: 2022

U.S. Lawmakers Vow to Push U.S. Government to Penalize Baku, Ankara for 2020 War

Members of Congress Frank Pallone, Gus Bilirakis, Jackie Speier, David Valadao and Adam Schiff sent a letter to Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan marking the 31st anniversary of Artsakh’s Independence Day.

“We are pushing the United States government to take every available diplomatic action possible to penalize the Azerbaijani and Turkish regimes for their attacks in 2020 and their deadly actions that continue to this day. We are strongly urging the Biden Administration to commit meaningful aid to the displaced families from Artsakh currently in Armenia and to those who bravely remain in your country after these deadly attacks. This conflict demonstrates the dire need for international actors to pressure President Aliyev into halting his blatant human rights violations and return in good faith to negotiations. In addition, we recognize the importance of having the people of Artsakh directly participate in negotiations regarding the country’s territorial integrity, its international status, and its ability to secure a durable and lasting peace,” said the members of Congress.

“We remain committed to advocating for official engagement between the United States government and your administration, and we look forward to working with you to build on Artsakh’s transformation. Again, please accept our sincerest congratulations on this important occasion and we offer our full support to your country,” the lawmakers said in the letter.

While congratulating Harutyunyan and people of Artsakh on Independence Day, they said that the Armenian Congressional Caucus “offers our support and stands with your people as you face the ongoing challenges and threats posed by Azerbaijan with incredible resilience.”

Rep. Schiff issued a separate statement marking Artsakh’s independence anniversary. Below is the text of the statement.

Artsakh’s Independence Day is a time to celebrate the unbreakable spirit of the people of Artsakh, who 31 years ago declared their independence from the Soviet Union. However, as the atrocities of the past two years have proven, independence is just the beginning of the struggle for liberation – and the fight to protect Artsakh from Turkey and Azerbaijan continue to demand our full attention and support.
While Artsakh’s path has never been an easy one, the war waged by Azerbaijan over the past two years against Artsakh’s people, its cultural sites, and its sovereignty have tested the nation in unimaginable ways. Armenian soldiers continue to be killed, dozens are being illegally detained as prisoners of war, and thousands of innocent civilians live in fear of the next attack or invasion. The United States must take immediate action to hold the Aliyev regime accountable and condemn Azerbaijan’s unprovoked aggression.
Today, we urgently renew our calls for the State Department to use its diplomatic power to reduce tensions and show America’s unwavering support for Artsakh’s sovereignty. In Congress, I will continue to push for the immediate release of Armenian prisoners of war, robust humanitarian and economic aid for Artsakh, and a full prohibition on U.S. security assistance to Azerbaijan. These actions are critical to helping Artsakh enjoy peace and self-determination.
I will always stand with Armenia and the people of Artsakh, and look forward to the day when Artsakh can finally enjoy the international recognition it has been deprived of for too long.

Jirair Kafian: