Azerbaijani press: Armenian media praises quality of road built by Azerbaijan

 3 September 2022 17:00 (UTC+04:00)

By Trend

The Armenian ‘Hraparak’ newspaper has published an article of Armenian journalist Vahe Makaryan, where he highly appreciated the new road bypassing Azerbaijan’s Lachin city, built by the Azerbaijani government, Trend reports.

"We moved forward and began to admire the quality of the magnificent road built by Azerbaijanis," Makaryan said reminding his recent visit to Azerbaijan’s Karabakh region through the new road.

He stressed that the Azerbaijanis plowed up the mountains, built tunnels and bridges within few months to lay a perfect road meeting all international standards, with the necessary high-quality markings, side railings and reflectors.

"Starting from a certain section, we also saw Azerbaijani cars on the road, and we realized that Armenians were just guests on this road. This is not our road, but only a manifestation of goodwill by the neighboring state for Armenians," the journalist wrote.

Makaryan also expressed his opinion about the road section built in Armenia.

"Of course, here the impressions are already different. The quality of the roadway is absolutely incomparable with the road built by the Azerbaijanis," he admitted.