AW: Devil at Your Door

Gates to Syunik (Photo: Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte)

When the Devil came to fight,
You did not listen to our cries,
Shrugged shoulders you lived on.
And here we are…

When our bodies were set ablaze,
Mutilated, raped, and torn apart.
You turned your eyes away, in boredom
You were so warm, well-fed, and safe.

You lived for now; you did not care.
Because our pain wasn’t yours to bear.
And our loss was ours alone.
Now … the Devil’s at your door.

It targets you for who you Are.
It hunts you down day and night.
Because your blood is what it seeks
Regardless of your place and rights.

Suspicious of your thoughts, it strikes
Because the gates were open wide.
And you have welcomed it with hopes,
Negotiating with an open mind.

But that is not how devils fight.

It will destroy you and your mind.
It will devour your spirits whole.
And still, I raise my head to fight,
And raise my hands in faith and hope.

Despite past sins, despite your pride
I am with you against its hate…
Because you Are, and so Am I…
Because we know how devils fight.

Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte is an Armenian-American writer, lecturer, activist and politician. She is a refugee from Baku, Azerbaijan and authored "Nowhere, a Story of Exile"—a book based on the diaries she kept as a child escaping ethnic cleansing. Anna lectures extensively about the plight of Armenians in Azerbaijan in the context of human rights and international law, as well as the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic's (Artsakh/NKR) right to self-determination. In 2015, she was elected member of the Westbrook, Maine City Council.