Categories: 2023

Residents evicted from former Armenian Defense Ministry building not allowed to set up tents

Armenia – Feb 18 2023

The rapid response team of the Armenian ombudsperson’s office visited the families evicted from the former building of Armenia’s Defense Ministry on the outskirts of Yerevan early on Friday.

Police officers on Thursday evicted residents of the building who, according to the authorities, were living there illegally. Over 20 residents were detained while resisting eviction.

The building located on the Yerevan-Ashtarak highway was given to Armenia’s State Revenue Committee in April 2022.

The Human Rights Defender’s Office reports that the residents shared their concerns, including over their places of residence and living conditions, at the meeting with its team.

The ombudsperson’s office summed up the residents’ concerns and sent a relevant notice to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

Late in the evening, the team paid another visit to the evicted families who said they were not allowed to set up tents and hold a protest.

The ombudsperson’s representatives discussed the matter with on-duty police officers.

Eventually, the residents were allowed to set up temporary tents.

John Hovhannisian: