Categories: 2023

Opposition MP: Artsakh’s domestic political agenda should be cleared of ‘rubbish’

Armenia – Feb 20 2023

Armenian MP Tigran Abrahamyan of the opposition Pativ Unem faction has strictly criticized Artsakh’s domestic political agenda, calling for efforts to clear it of “rubbish”.

"The struggle in Artsakh should be based on a single primary approach – the realization of the right to self-determination; the others derive from this fundamental principle,” he wrote on Facebook on Monday.

“The difficult process of introducing this principle in the negotiation process, the need to preserve the capacity of state institutions and to provide the most effective solutions to various problems of the Artsakh people amid the ongoing crisis stem from it.

“And what are the internal political debates in Artsakh focused on? They are about changing the constitution, the fierce struggle for positions and influence, which overshadows the priorities for which there was a decades-long struggle.

“Artsakh's domestic political agenda should be cleared of rubbish, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve results and victories,” he stressed.

Arsine Chaltikian: