Categories: 2023

Artsakh President explains the reasons for Ruben Vardanyan’s resignation from the post of State Minister

Armenia – Feb 23 2023

Artsakh President Araik Harutyunyan explained the reasons for Ruben Vardanyan's resignation from the post of State Minister.

As previously reported, the president announced his decision, speaking in the parliament of the republic.

Harutyunyan said that just a few days after Vardanyan's appointment as State Minister, Azerbaijan began a blockade of the Republic, blocking the Lachin corridor. "All this time Ruben Vardanyan and I have been together, following events, developments both in Artsakh and in the outside world on a daily basis, constantly exchanging views on solutions to the situation," Harutyunyan noted, thanking Vadanyan for his desire to share responsibility.

"All this time I was constantly discussing, assessing and analyzing all the problems that existed and were additionally formed after the blockade of Artsakh, I followed the latest geopolitical developments around Artsakh and the South Caucasus, I held a number of consultations and also informed Ruben Vardanyan about them, we had joint discussions. Though each of us may have our own version of what we are going to do and how we are going to do it, Ruben Vardanyan was sympathetic to my position, admitting that in any case I am proficient in the situation, being fully aware of it due to my position, and I can provide comprehensive and insightful assessments of the information more fully," Harutyunyan said.

On the reasons for Ruben Vardanyan's resignation, the president spoke without disclosing brackets, but mentioned the need to "confront the challenges" and "not exhaust the resilience." "Since I myself appointed Mr. Vardanian to the position of Minister of State almost four months ago, I must emphasize that the situation then and now are very different both externally and internally.  Nevertheless, I highly appreciate Mr. Vadanyan's efforts during that period, both in raising international awareness of Artsakh and for the resolution of numerous internal problems during the blockade," Harutyunyan assured.

Without commenting on the various rumors, speculations and publications on the issue, Harutyunyan noted that "no one can feel more pain from this decision than I do." "I will also say that I do not discuss and do not coordinate my steps and decisions with anyone except the people of Artsakh and state bodies. I appointed Ruben Vardanyan to the post of state minister by my decision and made a proposal on my initiative, it was approved by the people of Artsakh, when making such a decision I was aware of the probability and possibility of problems in Azerbaijan and other places, but no one prevented me and could not prevent me from making such a decision," Harutyunyan said. He expressed confidence that Vardanian will remain in Artsakh and increase his efforts aimed at Artsakh's prosperity through his active public activities.

"Regarding the speculations about the differences between me and Ruben Vardanyan on the foreign policy course, I would like to note that the strategic goal of both of us is the Armenian, independent and secure future of Artsakh, we both have the same perception of the vital interests and red lines of the people of Artsakh. Nevertheless, our short-term approaches have certain tactical differences, which are based on the differences in our perception of certain factors, including the highly unpredictable instability in the world and the region, methods of protecting red lines, the efficiency of using Armenian resources and leverage, and the influence of geopolitical actors' interests and leverage," Harutyunyan stated.

Karlen Baghdasarian: