Categories: 2023

Syrian President Al-Assad Receives Armenia’s Foreign Minister

Lebanon – Feb 23 2023

NNA – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad received on Thursday the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Ararat Mirzoyan.

President  al-Assad voiced his gratitude for all what Armenia has sent of rescue teams and relief aids for the quake-affected people, stressing that the ties binding Syria with the Armenians all over the world are historical.

President  al-Assad considered that building good relationships and alliances among states with shared principles are important for overcoming the challenges and changes.

The guest minister Mirzoyan conveyed the condolences of Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and the Armenian people, asserting that his country can’t but stand by the Syrians and offer them aids, recalling that Armenia still remember Syria’s stance beside Armenians along with offering them assistance when the devastating earthquake occurred  there in 1988, as Syria was the homeland for thousands of Armenians who are still living here, in Syria. — SANA News Agency


Hagop Kamalian: