Categories: 2023

Professor Murphy Represents Armenia before the ICJ

The George Washington University
Feb 23 2023
 February 21, 2023

GW Law Professor Sean D. Murphy argued in oral proceedings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands, on behalf of the Republic of Armenia. The proceedings involved two cases between Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, in which each side is asking for interim measures of protection from the Court. Armenia seeks an order from the Court that Azerbaijan take steps to keep open the "Lachin Corridor" through which supplies pass from Armenia to ethnic Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, while Azerbaijan seeks an order from the Court that Armenia assist it in finding landmines and booby traps allegedly laid in Azerbaijan.

"It was a great honor to represent Armenia before the International Court, where we presented arguments in favor of the immediate opening of the Lachin Corridor, as well as the lack of any connection between Armenia and [the] laying of mines or setting of bobby traps in Azerbaijan," said Professor Murphy. He noted that the Court's jurisdiction arises from the ratification by both countries of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD), so the arguments before the Court concern violations of that convention.

Both cases were filed in 2021, one filed by Armenia against Azerbaijan and then, a week later, a second filed by Azerbaijan against Armenia. More information on the two cases may be found here and here.

Yeghisabet Arthur: