Categories: 2023

Armenian MP: Azerbaijan’s plans, which don’t exclude use of force, will remain unchanged

Armenia – Feb 28 2023

Azerbaijan continues doing everything it can to extort the maximum concessions from Armenia and Artsakh, opposition MP Tigran Abrahamyan claims.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Abrahamyan, the secretary of the Pativ Unem faction, underscored the international efforts to suppress Azerbaijan's actions proved inefficient during the 2020 war in Artsakh as well as the three subsequent Azerbaijani attacks against Armenia’s sovereign territory.

"Thus, regardless of what the Armenian and Artsakh authorities say, Azerbaijan's intentions, which do not rule out the resolution of its problems through the use of force, will remain unchanged," the deputy stated.

Abrahamyan also noted that the Armenian authorities had already unveiled their main approaches to the Artsakh issue.

"The publicly expressed approaches are enough to suggest that the processes focus on concessions regarding the Artsakh people’s right to self-determination and a settlement in line with the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,” the MP charged.

Garo Vardanian: