We should be able to use the international attention focused on Armenia and the region to serve the peace agenda. PM



 21:28, 3 March 2023

YEREVAN, MARCH 3, ARMENPRESS. Armenia is in a very difficult and dangerous period, maximum seriousness and flexibility are required from everyone to overcome the existing challenges, ARMENPRESS reports, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said during a meeting with representatives of the Armenian community in Germany.

"I cannot say that we have guaranteed the security of our country today, on the contrary, especially in these conditions, when geopolitical earthquakes take place. Under these conditions, we are in a very dangerous environment. But on the other hand, we also have an idea of what needs to be done in terms of managing this security environment. The peace agenda is very important for us. We understand that it is not an easy page for us. We understand that there are many risks there, we understand that peace does not depend only on us and our desire. Armenia is in a very difficult and dangerous period. We need maximum seriousness and flexibility in order to overcome the existing challenges," said the Prime Minister.

According to the Prime Minister, Armenia does not have deep economic problems, there are no problems also in terms of internal security and democracy either.

"Our problems are related to the external environment and security, and we share these concerns first of all on international platforms. In these conditions, we do not have good news, but in a bad environment, the good news is that some international attention is focused on Armenia and the region, and we should be able to use this attention to achieve lasting solutions and peace in the region, concluded Pashinyan.