Categories: 2023

Azerbaijan accuses Russia of ‘distorting the facts and spreading inaccurate information’ about shooting at Armenian car

Armenia – March 8 2023

The Ministry of Defense (MOD) of Azerbaijan issued a statement and accused the MOD of Russia of "distorting the facts and spreading inaccurate information" about the shooting at a police vehicle in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

In this way, Azerbaijan is not only trying to "substantiate" the fact of its sabotage, but also to create an "informational pretext" for its future aggressive actions, as well as prerequisites for withdrawing the Russian peacekeeping troops from Nagorno-Karabakh and carrying out ethnic cleansing of the Armenians of Artsakh.

Earlier, Armenian News-NEWS.am reported that at around 10am on March 5, a sabotage group of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces targeted and opened fire on a staff shift vehicle of the Passport and Visa Department of the Artsakh Police. Three Artsakh policemen were killed and one was injured as a result. Baku, in turn, reported the death of two Azerbaijani servicemen.

Aram Torosian: