France MP calls for international investigation team to be sent to scene of Azerbaijan attack on Karabakh policemen
Armenia – March 8 2023

Anne-Laurence Petel, member of the French National Assembly and head of the France-Armenia friendship group, commented on the attack by Azerbaijanis on the vehicle of the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) policemen.

“I condemn the intolerable ambush which claimed the lives of 3 police officers in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan must respect the decision of the ICJ [(International Court of Justice)] and ensure free movement in the Lachin corridor. An international investigation team must be sent to the scene,” Petel wrote on Twitter. 

Earlier, Armenian reported that at around 10am on March 5, a sabotage group of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces targeted and opened fire on a staff shift vehicle of the Passport and Visa Department of the Artsakh Police. Three Artsakh policemen were killed and one was injured as a result.