Opposition MP: Noose around Armenia, Artsakh keeps tightening

Armenia – March 9 2023

Azerbaijan is actively running a propaganda campaign against Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), also accusing Russia of failure to fulfil its commitments, says MP Tigran Abrahamyan of the opposition Pativ Unem bloc.

“It is aimed at convincing the international community that Armenia and Artsakh have adopted a destructive stance, while Russia not only fails to fulfil its commitments, but also contributes to dangerous developments, Thus, Azerbaijan has to take tough measures to ‘save the situation’,” he wrote on Facebook on Thursday.

“The noose around Armenia and Artsakh continues tightening,” the deputy stated.

Three Artsakh police officers were killed and another was wounded after an Azerbaijani sabotage group ambushed their vehicle near Stepanakert on Sunday morning.

Two Azeri soldiers were killed in the ensuing firefight which was stopped by Russian peacekeepers stationed in Artsakh.

Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry threatened to take “resolute” actions in Nagorno-Karabakh two days after the incident.