Armenian Genocide reference in European Parliament report upsets Turkey
Armenia –

Turkey has become upset by the mention of the Armenian Genocide in one sentence in a report of the European Parliament on Wednesday.

In particular, the press secretary of the Turkish foreign ministry, Tanju Bilgic, commented on this mention of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire in 1915.

"Those views are incompatible with historical facts and international legal norms. They are not valid for us," said the representative of the Turkish foreign ministry, despite the many testimonies of this terrible crime in the archives of numerous countries.
"It appears that the European Parliament, in its regular report on ‘EU-Armenia relations’ dated March 15, 2023, asserts groundless accusations regarding our country and the events of 1915," he continued.

"These views, which are incompatible with historical facts and international law, have no force for us. We call on the European Parliament to act in accordance with political morality and international law, rather than repeating such one-sided and groundless statements," said the statement of the Turkish foreign ministry.

The aforesaid European Parliament report, entitled "Three Eastern Partnership neighbours in the South Caucasus," talks about the relations of this international organization with Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.

"In a March 2022 resolution, Parliament ‘strongly condemned Azerbaijan’s continued policy of erasing and denying the Armenian cultural heritage in and around Nagorno-Karabakh’. Leading MEPs following the situation in Armenia have released a series of statements on the conflict, insisting on the need for a negotiated comprehensive settlement and raising concerns over issues such as border incidents and attacks, Armenian captives, landmines, inflammatory rhetoric, humanitarian access and the protection of cultural heritage. In 2015, the European Parliament passed a resolution on the centenary of the Armenian genocide," it is stated in one of the parts of this report, where a reference to the resolution on the Armenian Genocide is given.