Categories: 2023

Azerbaijan president continues threatening Armenia, Armenians

Armenia –

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev continues to issue threats, present ultimatums, and make insults against Armenia and Armenians.

"Today we [Azerbaijanis] are on the land of native Karabakh, on the land of native Zangazur [(Zangezur)], and we will be here forever. The Azerbaijani people rightfully live with a sense of pride," Aliyev said, addressing the Azerbaijani people from Talish village on Saturday, on the occasion of Nowruz.

Also, Aliyev did not forget to present ultimatums and make insults against Armenians, frequently repeating expressions about the "masters" and "backers" of Armenians.

"Today, Armenia, which had declared that ‘Karabakh is Armenia and that's it,’ which was threatening us with a new war, is in search of a new master. There will be no benefit from that," he said.

Continuing the topic of the unknown "backers" of Armenians, Aliyev spoke about the countries that "support Armenia's invasive policy and have declared an information war against us," but did not specify which countries he means.

"For Armenia to live peacefully on the territory of [its] 29,000 square kilometers, there is one condition: they need to accept our conditions, officially recognize Karabakh as the territory of Azerbaijan, carry out delimitation work based on our conditions," said Aliyev.

"Realities related to occupation, war, post-Soviet realities should and will find their reflection in peace negotiations. Otherwise, there will be no peace treaty," continued the president of Azerbaijan.

"Some conferences, symposiums related to the internal affairs of Azerbaijan are being organized in some countries," Aliyev said.

"Some pro-Armenian countries recognize the ‘independence of Nagorno-Karabakh,’ which does not exist on the world map, does not exist in the territory of Azerbaijan. What does this mean. This means that during the occupation, the only goal of all those forces was to make the occupation eternal, not to resolve that conflict, but to freeze it," he added.

Rose Khoyetsian: