Categories: 2023

Opposition MP hails Artsakh parliament statement

Armenia – March 14 2023

Armenian opposition MP Tigran Abrahamyan has praised the statement unanimously passed by the Artsakh parliament on Monday insisting on the Artsakh people’s right to self-determination.

“Expressing the will and position of the people, the factions of the Artsakh Republic National Assembly demand that Armenia’s authorities adhere to the decision of the Armenian Supreme Council of July 8, 1992 and not to call into question the Artsakh people’s right to self-determination,” the statement said

In a social media post on Tuesday, Abrahamyan, the secretary of the opposition Pativ Unem faction in the Armenian parliament, outlined the messages sent by the Artsakh parliament to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's administration as well as domestic and foreign forces.

“First, the statement is addressed to all those circles, both internal and external, who consider the Artsakh issue not as a matter of the right to self-determination, but as a matter of integration into Azerbaijan,” the deputy wrote.

“Second, it is a response to those officials in Armenia, from Pashinyan to Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan, who only speak about the rights and freedoms of the Artsakh people rather than their right to self-determination.

“Third, it is a signal to Azerbaijan that Artsakh rejects any settlement of the conflict that would not include the principle of the right to self-determination and would link the process to Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

“Fourth, Artsakh says a resolute NO to all the forces who thought they could break the Artsakh people and achieve the Azerbaijanization of Artsakh through blackmail, threats and blockade,” Abrahamyan said.

Hagop Kamalian: