Armenian opposition MP warns of outbreak of border clashes ‘at any moment’

Armenia –

Armenia has found itself in a rather complicated military and political situation, Seyran Ohanyan, the leader of the main opposition Hayastan faction in the Armenian parliament, told a briefing on Thursday, referring to the possibility of renewed hostilities on the border with Azerbaijan.

According to him, the geopolitical and regional developments, joint strategic actions of the Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem, Azerbaijan’s preparatory actions and the overall situation in the South Caucasus testify to it.

"And there could be a possibility of war at any moment. I am not saying this to intimidate the people, but for them to stand together and defend their land," Ohanyan noted, adding only intelligence data would allow to make a full assessment of Azerbaijan’s actions, military buildups and goals.

"The current geopolitical developments, relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as the fact that Azerbaijan is taking relevant actions in the region indicate that clashes may erupt at any moment," the MP stressed.