EU helping to preserve biodiversity in Armenia

March 20 2023

On 17 March, an event was held in Armenia to launch work to promote the Emerald Network and the management of Emerald sites in the country.

This work, conducted by the World Bank as part of the EU-funded EU4Environment programme, aims to ensure the long-term conservation of natural habitats, preserve  biodiversity and promote sustainable interaction between people and the environment.

Project activities include developing recommendations for a National Emerald Action Plan to facilitate the emerald network, developing guidelines for the preparation of Emerald Site Management Plans, developing management plans for selected Emerald Sites, and capacity building.

The meeting gathered participants from different target groups including governmental organisations, public bodies, academia, NGOs, intergovernmental organisations, and other environmental organisations.

The Emerald Network is an ecological network made up of Areas of Special Conservation Interest, launched by the Council of Europe and supported by the European Union.

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Press release