Asbarez: U.S. Voices Concern Over Increased Tensions in Caucasus

Assistant Secretary of State Karen Donfried spoke to on June 18

United States Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried on Monday voiced concern over the increased tensions in the Caucasus region, after Azerbaijani forces on Saturday breached the line of contact with Artsakh and advanced their positions along the Stepanakert-Ghaibalishen-Lisagor road, occupying heights in the area.

Russia called Saturday’s attack a violation of the November 9, 2020 agreement, with its peacekeeping forces in Artsakh urging Azerbaijani forces to retreat to their original positions.

During a telephone conversation with Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, Donfried discussed the importance of normalizing relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan for peace and development of the region.

She called for resolving all issues through negotiations and expressed the U.S.’ readiness to assist in the peace process.

According to the Azerbaijani foreign ministry, Bayrmov against advanced the unsubstantiated claim that Armenia is transporting arms and weapons through the Stepanakert-Ghaibalishen-Lisagor road and complained about Armenia’s “non-constructive” steps that he said are impeding the peace process.

Bayramov also advanced Baku’s long-held position of establishing a checkpoint on the Lachin Corridor, an issue that has been rejected by Armenia and Russia.

“Azerbaijan is ready to start negotiations on a peace agreement at any moment,” Bayramov told Donfried, according to the Azerbaijani foreign ministry.