Hrag Arakelian, chairman of the Providence ARF Kristapor Gomideh, discussed the devastating aftermath
PROVIDENCE, RI—On Sunday, March 12, the Providence Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), Armenian Relief Society (ARS) “Arax” Chapter, ARS “Ani” Chapter, Homenetmen, Hamazkayin and Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) “Varantian” Chapter hosted a fundraising luncheon for the Syrian earthquake.
Over 75 members of the community attended the luncheon at Sts. Vartanantz Church. Hrag Arakelian, chairman of the Providence ARF Kristapor Gomideh, discussed the devastating aftermath of the earthquake that struck western Syria on February 6. “It’s unfortunate that we gather here yet again to discuss a crisis Armenians in Syria have experienced, but it is fortunate that we continue to gather to raise our own awareness and to provide a helping hand,” said Arakelian.
Taline Mkrtschjan, ARS Central Executive Board member, delivered an in-depth presentation on the relief efforts and the work of the ARS on the ground in Syria. “During the month following the earthquake, the ARS provided food to all who were sheltered in our Armenian centers, as well as opened their health center to all, Armenian and non-Armenian, to treat non-life threatening injuries.”
Taline Mkrtschjan, ARS Central Executive Board member, delivering her presentation
The program concluded with remarks and a prayer from Sts. Vartanantz Church pastor Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian.
Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian offering closing remarks
The community raised $10,000 to support the Armenian community of Syria.