Burbank’s City Council in January unanimously adopted a Resolution to initiate a transition from an at-large election system to a by-district system for electing future Council members. The district formation process is important because it determines which neighborhoods and communities are grouped together into a district for purposes of electing members of the City Council.
The City will be hosting public hearings, community forums, and provide two interactive mapping tools to gather your suggestions for how the district boundaries are drawn. The “Draw Your Neighborhood” tool invites community members to identify communities of interest that share cultures, languages, histories, and interests. The District-Drawing Tool invites community members to suggest proposed City Council district boundaries.
The districting process will kick-off with three community forums to provide an overview on the districting process, learn mapping tools and how to submit your maps. The three forums will present the same material and will have Spanish and Armenian simultaneous interpretation available. Please email info@BurbankCouncilDistricting.com to request language assistance in any other languages.
- Thursday, March 30 at 6 p.m.
Buena Vista Public Library
300 N. Buena Vista St Burbank, CA 91505
RSVP here.
- Thursday, April 6 at 12 p.m.
Via Zoom Link
- Saturday, April 8 at 10:30 a.m.
Community Services Building Rm 104
150 N 3rd St Burbank, CA 91502
RSVP here.
Please visit the Burbank Council Districting website for additional details. The website has other valuable information such as an overview of the districting process, instructions on the mapping tools, and the entire schedule of community forums and public hearings.