Azerbaijan is falsely accusing Armenia of arms deliveries to NK to legitimize its possible escalation, warns Pashinyan




YEREVAN, MARCH 30, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan spoke about the latest Azerbaijani invasion into the area of responsibility of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno Karabakh.

“Last week’s developments around Lachin Corridor, which links Nagorno Karabakh with Armenia,  are the following. Azerbaijan not only continued its illegal blockade of Lachin Corridor, but also carried out yet another invasion into the area of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Nagorno Karabakh. The Russian Defense Ministry recorded the fact of the invasion in a statement, which says – On March 25, 2023 the units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, in violation of clause 1 of the 9 November 2020 trilateral statement, crossed the line of contact in the Shushi region and occupied the 2054 height and began engineering works. A demand on implementing the terms of the trilateral statement, suspending the engineering works and pulling back troops to their original positions has been presented to the Azerbaijani side.” Thus we can record that Azerbaijan is not only not implementing the February 22 decision of the International Court of Justice on ending the illegal blockade of Lachin Corridor, but is further escalating the situation by taking actions to block internal transport connection in Nagorno Karabakh. From the [unnamed] 2054 [meter] height Azerbaijan has direct vantage point over the track connecting Stepanakert with Hin Shen, Mets Shen and several other villages,” PM Pashinyan said.

Pashinyan mentioned that Azerbaijan explains its actions by falsely accusing Armenia of transferring military cargo and personnel to Nagorno Karabakh.

“This is a totally untrue statement, which perhaps wouldn’t be worthy of special attention if there was nothing else. The information on military shipments is a propaganda lie aimed at creating the legitimacy for a possible escalation,” Pashinyan warned.