Mher Sahakyan approached me and hit me without saying anything. Vladimir Vardanyan about the incident in the parliament




YEREVAN, MARCH 31, ARMENPRESS. Vladimir Vardanyan, Chairman of the National Assembly's Standing Committee on State-Legal Affairs, presented details of the incident that took place at the closed session of the National Assembly, ARMENPRESS reports, in a briefing with journalists, Vardanyan mentioned that on the morning of March 31, a closed working discussion was held at the initiative of the opposition.

"The session of the committee was proceeding normally, at one point the process of discussion was disturbed, the MPs started talking quite loudly and I tried to urge Artsvik Minasyan and the rest of the MPs to return to the substantial discussion. After that, in response to my legitimate demand, MP Mher Sahakyan said that I cannot raise my voice against them, and I said that I was conducting the session and continue to conduct it. He approached me (we were already standing) and attacked me without saying anything, hit me and ran away," said Vardanyan.

The Chairman of the National Assembly's Standing Committee on State-Legal Affairs emphasized that he did not take any actions against MP Mher Sahakyan and remained in the place where he was standing.

"All those who know me will prove that in the 7th and 8th convocations of the National Assembly I was always the person who tried to lead difficult situations to a compromise solution. If the normal course of the session was disturbed, we interrupted the session or tried to find solutions. This time the incident lasted for a minute and, in fact, I performed my legitimate functions. I have not taken any measures against MP Mher Sahakyan and I could not. "Mher Sahakyan approached me and hit me without saying anything," Vardanyan said.

According to Mher Sahakyan, as a result of the blow, a rather significant cut occurred in the eyebrow area. Vardanyan does not rule out that the blow was made with some kind of tool.

"It was quite a hard blow. I haven't passed the forensic examination yet, I will probably do it tomorrow," concluded Vardanyan.