Senior MP comments on CSTO document on deployment of mission



 15:17, 6 April 2023

YEREVAN, APRIL 6, ARMENPRESS. Armenia never rejected the deployment of a CSTO monitoring mission on its territory, but the document envisaging the deployment is still in the phase of amendments, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs MP Sargis Khandanyan told reporters.

“Armenia never rejected the deployment of a CSTO monitoring mission, but the document envisaging the deployment is still in the phase of amendments. And it is important for the records to be made, which we believe would objectively present what actually happened against the sovereign territory of Armenia. Naturally, without accepting this and without assessing the situation in detail, it will be difficult to imagine what kind of a mission and in what territory the mission is to be conducted,” Khandanyan said.

“And when Armenia will consider the draft document in a given stage to match Yerevan’s position and desires, that’s when it will be possible to speak about the deployment of a CSTO monitoring mission,” he added.