Armenia Detains Azerbaijani Soldier – Defense Ministry


Armenia's defense ministry said on Monday an Azerbaijani soldier had been detained overnight after crossing into Armenian territory, and a manhunt is underway for his companion

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 10th April, 2023) Armenia's defense ministry said on Monday an Azerbaijani soldier had been detained overnight after crossing into Armenian territory, and a manhunt is underway for his companion.

"Between 01 a.m. and 02 a.m. a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan was found and arrested in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

According to him, another serviceman also was with him, whose search operations are still going on," the statement read.

The ministry did not specify the location.

Armenia and Azerbaijan have fought two wars over Nagorny-Karabakh, a disputed mountainous region wedged in between the two South Caucasus nations where both have military presence. They have been engaged in border delimitation talks with the help from Russia and the European Union.