Tatoyan Foundation: 2,700 hectares are under Azerbaijan occupation in Armenia’s Kapan community alone

Armenia –

The "Tatoyan" Foundation summed up the results of part of its fact-finding work in Syunik Province of Armenia.

Accordingly, 2,400 hectares of specially protected lands, 170 hectares of forest lands, 130 hectares of communal lands, thus a total of 2,700 hectares have come under Azerbaijani occupation Kapan community alone and as a result of Azerbaijani armed attacks and criminal incursions on September 13-14, 2022.

In addition to the aforementioned 2,700 hectares, more than 1,000 hectares of land is in the danger zone where it is either impossible to carry out any agricultural or other type of work, or the latter has become considerably more difficult due to real risk to life. This is the case specifically in Nerkin Hand, Srashen, Shikahogh, Chakaten, and Geghanush villages.