Categories: 2023

​Aliyev: “Armenia must officially state that Karabakh is Azerbaijan”

Aliyev: “Armenia must officially state that Karabakh is Azerbaijan”

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated today that “Armenia must confirm the absence of territorial claims to Baku and state that Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan.”

“Armenia, which once said that “Karabakh is Armenia and that’s it”, today must repeat our words: “Karabakh is Azerbaijan and an exclamation mark”. When you say “A”, you need to say “B”. Armenia, which has declared its readiness for a peace treaty on the basis of the Alma Ata Declaration, must now officially declare that Karabakh is Azerbaijan,” Aliyev said in an interview with AzTV.

Parkev Tvankchian: