Categories: 2023

Memorial for Armenian Genocide victims in Wuppertal [Germany]

Kurdish Press –

24 April is International Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. The Wuppertal alliance "Gathe for everyone" is organizing a memorial in Gezi-Gathe-Park.

On the international day of remembrance of the genocide of Armenians, 24 April, the alliance "Gathe for everyone" will organize a memorial in the Gezi-Gathe-Park (Gathe / corner of Markomannenstraße) in Wuppertal.

The organizers said about the memorial that “on 24 April 1915, the deportations and massacres of the Armenian civilian population in the Ottoman Empire began on the orders of the young Turkish Minister of the Interior, Talat Pasha. The crimes happened with the knowledge, toleration and partial support of the German Reich, which was allied with the Young Turk rulers, and culminated in the expulsion of the last Armenian survivors into the Mesopotamian desert, where they died in agony of thirst, hunger and exhaustion.”

The organizers continued: “Most of the Ottoman army's Armenian soldiers were murdered; Women, children and the elderly were sent on death marches across the Syrian desert. On the way, special units massacred the deportees; the last survivors were killed in camps in the desert near Deir ez-Zor. According to calculations by independent historians, at least one million, probably more than 1.5 million Armenians fell victim to the deportations and mass murders. In addition to the Armenians, around 600,000 Aramaic, Chaldean, Assyrian and Greek Christians were also affected by the murderous measures.”

Bedik Zaminian: