Opposition MP rejects peace deal with Azerbaijan as ‘new capitulation agreement’

Armenia –

Opposition lawmaker Armen Rustamyan accused the Armenian leadership of leading the country to new concessions with false promises of peace.

Addressing the parliament on Friday, Rustamyan, who represents the main opposition Hayastan faction, denounced the authorities for constant efforts to dodge responsibility for their failures and to shift the blame onto the former leaders.

He deplored efforts of Nikol Pashinyan's government to prepare the people for peace amid Azerbaijan’s continued threats to use force. The MP claimed signing a peace deal with Baku would amount to a “new capitulation agreement”.

“The incumbent authorities have only one thing to do: to sign a new capitulation agreement under the guise of a peace deal,” the deputy said.

“Obviously, it would lead to an exodus of Artsakh Armenians and Artsakh would will turn into Nakhichevan without any status,” Rustamyan stated, rejecting any deal with Baku that would threaten the existence of Armenia. and Artsakh.

He called for an overhaul of the country’s domestic and foreign policy orientations.