Categories: 2023

MEP: Azerbaijan must stop aggression against Armenia


Azerbaijan has to stop its aggressive actions against Armenia’s sovereign territory, MEP Andrey Kovatchev, the European Parliament's Standing Rapporteur on Armenia, told Armenia’s Public TV Company in an interview on Friday.

He highlighted that the European Parliament recently expressed a clear position, according to which Baku must stop its aggression against the Armenian territory and the Lachin Corridor in Nagorno-Karabakh must be immediately unblocked.

"The EU is ready to contribute to the peace process through a monitoring mission that will help prevent further aggression against the sovereign territory of Armenia," Kovatchev said.

Referring to the EU support for border delimitation and demarcation, he said the work should be carried out by the working groups of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

When asked to comment on the claiims that Azerbaijan is preparing for new military aggression against Armenia, Kovatchev noted that Baku has reiterated its commitment to the peace agenda and the delimitation process.

"This is the only peaceful and civilized way to resolve the situation," the MEP said.

Boris Nahapetian: