Categories: 2023

EU and UNDP project raises awareness on danger of landmines and explosive artillery in Armenia

The EU-funded project organised a series of landmine and explosive hazard awareness activities in Armenia in April. ‘Strengthening National Mine Action Capacities in Armenia’ is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Armenia.

The series of events began with the discussion on the National Mine Action Strategy for 2023-2027 and the operational plans of the State in this field.

The Union of Artists of Armenia then hosted an art exhibition entitled ‘Art against Mines’, which presented paintings by children from mine-affected communities in Armenia. The exhibition highlighted the importance of mine risk education and humanitarian mine action in the affected regions and communities, while introducing visitors to the challenges faced by children living in mine-affected areas. 

The events concluded with an interactive training session on first aid/medical assistance in emergencies, with simulation exercises. This was organised in partnership with the Armenian Red Cross Society for the staff of the Armenian Centre for Humanitarian Demining and Expertise (CHDE). The training provided CHDE staff dealing with landmines and explosive artillery in their daily activities with practical, up-to-date and crucial knowledge and skills.

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Press release


Liana Toganian: