Rocket from Gaza kills Armenian woman in Israel

Armenia โ€“

PanARMENIAN.Net - A member of the Armenian community in Israel was killed when a rocket fired from Gaza hit a building in the central Israeli city of Rehovot, Artyom Chernamorian, the president of Nairi Union of Israeli-Armenians of Petah Tikva, said on social media Friday, May 12.

80-year-old pensioner Inga Abrahamyan was killed by the rocket explosion in her 3-story house. Her husband, meanwhile, was among 12 people who were injured in the blast.

Chernamorian said that since 2008, the Armenian community had had no victims in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

According to a report from the BBC, it was the first fatality in Israel since it began an operation against PIJ on Tuesday morning with a series of air strikes that killed another three of the group's commanders.