Categories: 2023

Armenian investigators treat latest deadly Azeri border shooting as hate-motivated premeditated murder




YEREVAN, MAY 1, ARMENPRESS. The Investigative Committee of Armenia launched criminal proceedings on the latest Azerbaijani shooting that left one Armenian soldier dead.

The Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire Wednesday late afternoon at a military outpost of the Armed Forces of Armenia deployed in the eastern section of the border. An on-duty Armenian serviceman was wounded in the shooting and later succumbed to his injuries.

In a statement released Thursday, the investigators said they are treating the shooting as a hate-motivated premeditated murder.

“Servicemen of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, motivated by racial, national or ethnic hatred, intolerance and hostility, opened small arms fire around 16:15, at a military position deployed in the eastern direction of the Armenian border with intent to kill the on-duty servicemen of the Armed Forces of Armenia. As a result, a conscripted serviceman of the abovementioned military position suffered wounds, and later died from the injuries,” reads the statement.

The Azerbaijani military then targeted with automatic gunfire the ambulance which was evacuating the wounded soldier, and the paramedic was also wounded.

The medic survived and is in satisfactory condition, authorities said.

Suren Karakhanian: