Categories: 2023

Lessons from Israeli-Egyptian Peace Talks for Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflict

Egypt –
By Ahmad El-Assasy

The Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty signed in 1979 can serve as an example for resolving the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict that has lasted for over 30 years. 

The peace process between Israel and Egypt, which ended the state of war that existed since 1948, normalized relations, established embassies, and transportation links, can provide insights for resolving the territorial issue between Azerbaijan and Armenia. 

A recent meeting between foreign ministers of the two countries hosted by the US Secretary of State marked an important preliminary step towards ending the conflict. Leadership, third-party facilitators, and mediators played crucial roles in the Israeli-Egyptian peace talks, but spoilers can disrupt negotiations.

 The leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia must focus on the shared objectives and watch out for agendas that divert attention. 

Success depends on their ability to negotiate an agreement that benefits both countries.

Arsine Chaltikian: