Categories: 2023

Parliament committee OKs government’s 2022 budget report


YEREVAN, JUNE 12, ARMENPRESS. The financial-credit and budgetary affairs committee of parliament has approved the bill on confirming the 2022 government budget report.

The bill will be debated at the plenary session in parliament.

The report was presented to lawmakers at the committee by finance minister Vahe Hovhannisyan.

“We had a forecast of 1 trillion 947 billion drams in revenues in the beginning of the year, the revenues increased by 110 billion drams during the year. Spending was forecast at 2 trillion 184 billion and increased by 103 billion drams. As a result, the planned deficit dropped 6,5 billion drams. Factual spending planned under our adjusted program was executed 100,2% in terms of revenues and 98% in terms of spending, which resulted in a 78% execution of the deficit, that is, by 56 billion less, in total 179 billion,” Hovhannisyan said.

Speaking about the increase of revenues, the minister said that tax revenues stood at 81 billion drams, while other revenues at 51 billion drams. Official grants were reduced by 21,9 billion drams.

A drop in customs duties was recorded, which is related to the decrease of imports in the overall EEU area.

The state debt stands at 10 billion 637 million USD (4 trillion 186 billion drams). The debt has decreased in drams but increased in dollars.

“The government debt-GDP ratio, which was planned at 58,4%, dropped to 46,7%. If we were to neutralize the dram valuation factor our debt would have been around 53%,” Hovhannisyan said.

Varazdat Torgomian: