Azerbaijan attempts to secure more gains in talks by intensifying border shootings, says MP


YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijan doesn’t change its behavior and is once again attempting to display aggressive conduct on the ground both before and after Armenian-Azerbaijani talks, with the goal of securing more gains around the negotiations table, Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Sargis Khandanyan told reporters on June 14 when asked on the latest Azerbaijani provocations.

“Regarding the incident that occurred in the Yeraskh section and overall the latest intensified shootings, it is concerning especially because this is happening parallel with the intensified negotiations process. We once again see Azerbaijan’s conduct, that before or after negotiations they are trying to display more aggressive behavior on the ground, attempting to gain more around the negotiations table,” Khandanyan said.

He pointed out the Azerbaijani shooting targeting the civilian infrastructure in Yeraskh.

“The shooting targeted the construction of the factory where American investments have been made and which is extremely important for the Republic of Armenia. I think the foreign ministry’s statement expressed these concerns. This doesn’t change our positions, we are voicing about these incidents and I know that the EU civilian mission is also recording this and is regularly reporting its observations to member states. I assume that they’ve made an observation regarding yesterday’s incident as well,” the MP said.

Two foreign nationals were wounded on Wednesday when Azerbaijani military forces opened fire at a steelworks which is being built with foreign investments in the Armenian village of Yeraskh.