Categories: 2023

Parliament speaker: If Azerbaijan wants Russia to control entry, Armenia may want another country to control it

Armenia –

Armenia has a sovereign territory where Armenia’s laws apply. If at some point Armenia believes that it should outsource any of its functions to the bodies of another country, it is an internal matter of Armenia. But at the moment there is no concrete decision, nothing discussed. Alen Simonyan, speaker of the National Assembly (NA) of Armenia told this to reporters Tuesday, in terms of whether the road connecting Nakhichevan to Azerbaijan should be controlled by Armenian, not Russian forces.

"If Azerbaijan wants the Russian side to control the entry, then Armenia may also want some representation of a third country to control [it] because the opening of the borders, de-blockade is a mutual process. If an Azerbaijani should come, go to Nakhichevan through the territory of Armenia, it means that the resident of Armenia can also go to Russia or any other country through the territory of Azerbaijan; the conditions should be the same," said Simonyan.

He added that the Armenian side will decide what kind of control will be in relation to the Armenian territory.

As for the tripartite statement of November 9, 2020, according to the Armenian NA speaker, "practically all points are violated to some extent."

Varazdat Torgomian: