Categories: 2023

Asbarez: A Good Father

Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian


The third Sunday in June has been observed in many places for quite some time as Father’s Day. We know there are many stories and jokes belittling the role of fathers in the home and the family. But fathers do have a most important role to play. In most instances, it is the father who is the breadwinner. By that term we usually mean that the father works at whatever his job or profession may be thus providing the financial care of his family.

Just as important as providing for the physical needs of the family is the role of the father, it should also be his involvement in every aspect of his home.  In the years past the father was somewhat of a dictator.  He gave orders and it was rarely that his orders were disobeyed because he was also a strict disciplinarian.  In later years, even though discipline is usually administered by the father, his role has become more and more that of a counselor and advisor. Where parents have counseled with and advised their children about the ways of life, where parents have been more and more concerned about the example they are setting for their children, and where parents by word and example have tried to instill Christian principles into their teaching, family life has improved.

A good father cannot give in to every whim of the child, for in so doing he would instill a lack of respect for law and order.  I believe that many of the problems of our nation are the improper relationship in the home. I also believe that home is what we make it! As the homes are, so is the nation.

Where does a Christian father get his direction, wisdom and guidance but from our Heavenly Father who is the source of wisdom, mercy, love, patience, and provision.  A wise father also trusts in God and fears Him, which means, loves, awes and respects Him.

The Holy Scriptures devote much time and attention to the question: What is God like? The Psalmist offers this answer: “As a father…so the Lord” (Psalm 103:13-14). Jesus took his concept of God as father and made it the theme of his life and teaching. He taught his disciples to pray: “Our Father, Who is in heaven…” There is no sermon of which it does not appear, no prayer from which it is omitted. The first record of his speaking is this: “Didn’t you know that I had to be in my Father’s house” (Luke 2:49). The last words that he spoke was: “Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46).

A good father must have those characteristics that our Heavenly Father has. He must be a loving, caring and giving person. He must be a good provider to furnish his family with the necessities of life. He must discipline his children. He must give correction to their lives. He must have a vital, personal relationship with them. He must be kind and gentle. He must be constant source of comfort, understanding and strength.

Happy Father’s day to all good fathers.

Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian is the Minister Emeritus of the Armenian Congregational Church of Greater Detroit and the Executive Director of the Armenian Evangelical World Council.

Paul Hambardsumian: