EU launches new ‘Youth in Action’ project in Armenia

On 12 June, the European Union and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Germany) in Yerevan launched a co-funded project, ‘Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia’.

The €2 million project will be implemented in cooperation with local partners – World Vision Armenia, Youth Initiatives Centre, and Media Initiatives Centre.

During the next three years, the project will focus on strengthening the leadership skills of young people, building the capacities of youth workers and youth civil society organisations (CSOs), and increasing youth media literacy.

EU Ambassador to Armenia Andrea Wiktorin said at the opening ceremony that the EU remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting youth projects in Armenia. ‘’Young people in Armenia possess immense energy, creativity, and passion, which makes them catalysts for positive social change and advocates for a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable future,” said Andrea Wiktorin.

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Press release