Categories: 2023

Opposition MP criticizes Armenian government’s reservists call-up plan

Armenia – June 12 2023

Opposition MP Tigran Abrahamyan has called out the Armenian government for its poor military call-up plan.

The Armenian Defense Ministry announced the start of a three-month call-up of more than 2,700 army reservists for training and exercises on May 1.

In a social media post on Monday, Abrahamyan, secretary of the opposition Pativ Unem faction, highlighted the trainings for reserve forces, but claimed their main goals were pushed into the background.

He deplored the call-up of those reservists who completed their military service 3-4 years ago and took part in the 2020 war, stating they “are in good shape and need no further trainings.”

“If the main objective is to boost the combat readiness of reservists, the trainings should involve first of all those who served in the army 7-8 years ago or more,” the deputy wrote.

“The Defense Ministry’s call-up of a war participant before he could receive his university diploma indicates that the government does not seek to meet the priorities set by the law, but to execute a plan,” Abrahamyan added.

Manouk Vasilian: